「探戈是一場探險,因為它看起來是如此有趣、熱情、性感與驚險。它的確如此。但探戈背後, 還藏了一份祕密的禮物。 若要跳探戈, 你必需學著看見全部的自己——好的、與不太好的部份——並且願意把這樣的自己呈現出來,呈現在你認識或不認識的舞伴懷裡。 當你美麗地跳著探戈時,你已經學會接受所有的自己。 當你起舞時, 也許永遠不會對舞伴吐露半個字,但如果你把這樣的經驗與對方共享, 而對方也如此對你;那麼, 你已經收到了探戈的禮物。」~Susan Brown
"Tango is an adventure people undertake because it seems so fun, passionate, sexy and thrilling. And it is. But it also hides a secret gift. To dance tango, you must learn to see yourself for all you are—the good and the not so good—and be willing to dance it out in the world in the arms of someone you may or may not know. When you dance tango beautifully, you have learned to accept the person you are. When you dance, you may never say a single word to your partner, but if you share that experience with another person, and they share themselves with you, then you have received the gift of tango. "
The Gift of Tango, 17 May 2004 — Susan Brown
在下面這段影片的第0:59秒開始,老師示範深擁抱時,細緻地帶著follower作小小的後ocho (其實應該是back cross,因為女生的重心腳沒有pivot); 想像當舞池很擁擠的時候;想像follower已經沈浸在擁抱與音樂裡;太大的動作會打斷美好的時刻。Back cross會讓女生作起來很輕鬆、不費力。
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