" Poetic language is all that remains to us afterward, when we have overcome our separate selves in the dance." ~Beatriz Dujovne
“你得把自己專注起來,仔細品嚐阿根廷探戈裡四個連結:音樂、舞伴、地板、以及場上的其他舞者。這四大連結,將引領我們專注內在,並走向流暢的神乎其技。”~ Stephen Brown
"When beginner male AT students approach me with a question, 'Do you think I can learn to dance this?', I don't tell them yes, if you can walk, you can dance. Instead, I tell them that if they know how to hold a woman in their arms, they might be able to learn this dance."~Nina Pesochinsky
深擁抱式的探戈,很強調 「連結」,而非各種「招式」。我參考各方意見,整理出下方表格,也許還有待改進的空間,請不吝指正。
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