photo: lutin
「阿根廷舞者為他們的擁抱而感到自豪。每個舞者都花好多心思在研究如何擁抱他/她的舞伴。舞者們各自有其獨特的擁抱方式,擁抱對他們而言無疑是珍貴的。它是舞蹈的核心,也是一對舞者之間的舞蹈靈魂。當男人以他的手掌而非手臂作為框架來擁抱女伴時,這對阿根廷男舞者來說是種侮辱。因為一個有自覺的男人,將不會以那樣的方式來擁抱女人。」~Nina from Tango-L
Attributed to Nina from Tango-L:
Argentine dancers take great pride in their embrace. Each one takes incredible care of how to embrace his/her partner. People have mannerisms that are uniquely their own. Embrace is precious to them. It is at the core of the dance. It is the soul of the dance between the two partners. The “frame” configurations where a man is holding a woman with his hands instead of arms hits at the pride of Argentine male dancers because no self-respecting man would hold a woman that way.
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